Knightly Virtues

The idea of the chivalrous knight is an idea that runs deep in our culture. In fact, even women today will sometimes look for a man that fits that old cliché: the knight in shining armor. While that knight might seem a little outdated today, the virtues and ideals that they valued still hold true merit for both men and women. The idea of the virtuous knight was adopted particularly during the crusades, when the knights were involved in what was considered a holy war, and were supposed to stand as examples of Christendom. They were not to be cruel and vicious, and they followed a code of honor on the battlefield. In the romantic visions of the Knights of the Round Table, the knights were supposed to life out their daily lives in honor, courage, purity, and compassion.

Even if you don’t espouse Christian or Western ideas, being a chivalrous human being can only make you a better person and a better life. One who lives like a knight will be the one that the other can depend on, build relationships with, and depend on to do their personal best in all they do. Anyone who wants to be a "good person" needs to work on these Knightly Virtues—and since studies show that most people consider themselves good people, everyone can benefit from this program!

When you sign up for our program, we will work with you to build your own personal regimen that will transform you—bit by bit—into that knight in shining armor. You will learn to acknowledge your own personal demons to battle, and work on each virtue individually in a program that combats your most pressing needs. If you can make being a virtuous person a daily regimen of your life, soon it will become a habit to act like the honorable knight and before you know it you will be that knight!

On our program you will:

  • Discover your own problems, and learn how to conquer them
  • Develop good habits that will propel you to success
  • Keep track of your progress and results


  • Courage — Stand up to each challenge without fear or reluctance.
  • Justice — Be fair in your dealings, but never surrender all of your needs or those needs of your loved ones.
  • Mercy — Never hold on to bitterness, be prone to forgiveness and suppress the desire for revenge.
  • Generosity — When possible, give willingly and openly to those in need.
  • Faith — Stand strong in your ideals and beliefs.
  • Nobility — Don't bring yourself down to those who tempt you to sway from your values.
  • Hope — Always keep a positive outlook on how your actions will improve your life and the lives of those around you.
  • Strength — Have the inner fortitude to stand firm and not back down, and to stand again when you fail.
  • Humility — Never put yourself or your needs above others, and be willing to take care of others as you take care of yourself.

The Knights of the Round Table

When most people think of chivalrous knights,they immediately think of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. While our accounts of these knights are mainly fictional, our ideas of what a knight is and acts like often comes from this legend. Consider their code of honor (according to Sir Thomas Malory) and compare it to the Knightly virtues above and see how well they fulfill them:

  • To never do outrage nor murder
  • Always to flee treason (avoid it at all costs)
  • To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy
  • To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor
  • To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows
  • Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods

While some of these points may seem unusual, notice how the knightly virtues helped them become some of the most respected heroes in legend!


Sir Galahad was supposed to be the son of Sir Lancelot in Arthurian legend, and he was one had great strength and success on the battlefield. Traditionally it is thought that his strength came from the inside, however. Consider these lines from Tennyson's poem "Sir Galahad":

  • My good blade carves the casques of men,
  • My tough lance thrusteth sure,
  • My strength is as the strength of ten,
  • Because my heart is pure


A Knight's Own Book of Chivalry — by Geoffroi de Charny

A book written by an actual knight about his lifestyle. While is might not espouse all the values you might want to follow, it is a great read for those considering becoming a knight of sorts themselves.

A Knight's Code of Business: How to Achieve Character and Competence in the Corporate World — by Gene Del Vecchio and Roderick Fong

This book makes an interesting attempt to connect the virtues of knighthood with daily life in the office.

Le Morte Darthur — by Sir Thomas Malory

This is one of the most famous written legends of King Arthur. While it might not be the story some might have expected, it is one of the most influential versions.

General Rules

Practice virtues daily so that they become ‘habits of the heart’.

Don‘t strive for perfection.

Never give up! Remember: even the greats have off days.

Rely on your intuition.

Avoid extremes. Strive to achieve the golden mean between excess and deficiency of a virtue.

Have fun and enjoy the program with humor and optimism.

Virtue is the state of war, and to live in it we have always to combat with ourselves. Jean-Jacques Rousseau